Junior Beta Club
Junior Beta Club: The Junior Beta Club is a division of the National Beta Club. This organization promotes character, develops leadership skills, encourages service involvement, recognizes achievement, and provides technological advantages to students in grades 5 - 12. Membership is a privilege and not a right. The qualifications for membership on the part of the student shall be:
a) worthy, moral, and ethical character, b) a 90 or above average in each subject area, and c) a commendable attitude. The standards and means for appraising these qualities shall be determined by the administration of the school where the club is located. Further information about the Beta Club may be obtained by contacting them at http://www.betaclub.org/
a) worthy, moral, and ethical character, b) a 90 or above average in each subject area, and c) a commendable attitude. The standards and means for appraising these qualities shall be determined by the administration of the school where the club is located. Further information about the Beta Club may be obtained by contacting them at http://www.betaclub.org/
PH: 912-537-3813